Smart Saving
Our Load Management System utilizes automated policies and functions to keep your power consumption as low as possible, policies personalized according to Client needs, and tariff penalties. Saving you up to 30% on your utility bill, and keeping your luxury standards. The ALMS-system remotely controls devices that are not needed in certain time frames, to avoid high peak usage. When it detects that your load is hitting a peak, the policy enables certain devices to switch off, by Smart Programming. It also has pre-defined schedules & policies, designed according to the Client needs (not excluding your business standards), to save at least 10% on your electricity bill. It is not only a power-saving tool but also an integration system for your Solar panels, Batteries, or Generator that switch on equipment systematically, according to your specifications, in the case of a power surge (avoiding peak demand charges to rise).
Automation is Key
By automating the load management, we can guarantee a saving. Our system will make rules and policy changes based on criteria. We can run a separate policy on what devices to keep on from high to low priority or even when exceeding a certain load threshold, time of day, or tariff penalty timeframes.
- If load > than {value} and grid online run {policy 1}
- If load > than {value} and grid offline run {policy 2}
- If load_shedding incoming switch to {policy 3}
- If batteries_charging and load shedding incoming switch to {policy 4}
- There are hundreds of policy rules that will be tailored to your business requirements. We can integrate into existing hardware from most API's.
Suppose the following Real-Life Scenario applies to you
One of our clients that use between 150Kw/h - 200Kw/h reduced the total demand by up to 30% using our automated load management system.
The solution was architected and developed by alpha91 to prevent sudden load spikes on the lithium-ion backup batteries, that were causing the inverters to trip and fail. Working with the other engineers and installers on the site, we managed to design a solution that works great.
Remember, we are talking about a lot of power here (almost 40 times more than a residential house).
When the Main grid goes offline, the inverters kick in, all the appliances such as geysers, pumps would go on simultaneously, causing power spikes and overloads to the inverters.
Our LMS system integrates with their Victron (Venus GX, Quattro Inverters), Diesel Turbo Generator, and other hardware. The solution would safely and securely run in parallel with the other great hardware and software. The ALMS enabled us to manage all functionality and provide the client with the extra needed features that added value for money.
The ALMS would run various policies based on time, load, scenarios, events, and other factors. By automatically managing your power, you can spend less time on manual power saving methods and focus on more important business goals.
With Eskom price hikes, this is the new way to save!
If you have a utility bill of R8000.00 or more, contact us today for a free site visit, and let us help you reach your saving goals. Save up to 30% on your utility bill without any inverters, solar panels, batteries, or generators.